What is Cupping Therapy?


Cupping applied to treat back pain and tension in this athlete.

What is Cupping Therapy?

“Cupping therapy is a therapeutic technique that utilizes a vacuum force created beneath a small vessel applied onto the skin's surface. This approach focuses on blood and autologous healing substances in a specific area, stimulating metabolic activity, improving immune function, and stabilizing blood biochemistry.” -

Therapeutic Cupping was practiced by the Egyptians and Macedonians around 5500 years ago and amongst ancient Roman and Chinese civilizations. Cupping is a versatile therapy that benefits overall health and effectively addresses localized and systemic complaints.

We practice dry cupping, using silicone cups using light to medium suction. Cupping can be static or moving, and feels like a slow massage.

Who should not receive cupping?

Considering the contraindications when performing cupping therapy is crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of patients. These contraindications include avoiding areas with deep vein thrombosis, open wounds, or bone fractures. Notably, cupping should not be applied directly over nerves, arteries, veins, varicose veins, skin lesions, body orifices, lymph nodes, eyes, or areas of skin that are inflamed.

Cupping therapy is not recommended for geriatric, pediatric, pregnant, or menstruating clients. Furthermore, clients with elevated serum cholesterol are at higher risk of developing cardiovascular events related to cupping therapy.